When you are creating a JADE application, you may find that some words cannot be used in your JADE methods (or you can use them in certain ways only). These are reserved words. Reserved words have a special meaning in JADE; for example, if you try to create a method called return, you are informed that return is a reserved word.
The JADE reserved words are listed in the following table.
abortTransaction | abortTransientTransaction | and |
app |
appContext |
as | attributeDefinitions | begin |
beginLoad | beginLock | beginTransaction |
beginTransientTransaction |
break |
call |
categoryDefinition |
classMapDefinitions |
_cloneOf | commitTransaction | commitTransientTransaction |
constantDefinitions | constants | continue |
create | currentSchema | currentSession |
databaseDefinitions | databaseFileDefinitions |
dbServerDefinitions |
defaultFileDefinition |
delete | div | do |
documentationText | else | elseif |
_encryptedSource | _endEncryptedSource | end |
endExecuteWhen | endforeach | endif |
endLoad | endLock | endwhile |
epilog | eventMethodMappings | executeWhen |
exception | exportedClassDefinitions | exportedConstantDefinitions |
exportedInterfaceDefinitions | exportedMethodDefinitions | exportedPackageDefinitions |
exportedPropertyDefinitions | _exposedConstantDefinitions | _exposedJavaFeatures |
_exposedListDefinitions | _exposedMethodDefinitions | _exposedPropertyDefinitions |
externalFunctionDefinitions | externalFunctionSources | externalKeyDefinitions |
externalMethodDefinitions | externalMethodSources | false |
_for | foreach | global |
if | implementInterfaces | importMethod |
importedClassDefinitions | importedInterfaceDefinitions | importedPackageDefinitions |
in |
interfaceDefinitions | interfaceDefs | inverseDefinitions |
is | JadeFiletypeVersiontag | jadeMethodDefinitions |
jadeMethodSources | jadePatchRelease | jadeVersionNumber |
libraryDefinitions | localeDefinitions | localeFormatDefinitions |
memberKeyDefinitions | membershipDefinitions |
method | methodImplementations | mod |
node | not | null |
of | on | or |
parentOf | partitionMethod |
peerOf | primitive | process |
raise | read |
referenceDefinitions | _remapTableDefinitions | return |
reversed | rootSchema | schemaDefaultLocale |
schemaDefinition | schemaViewDefinitions | self |
selfType | setModifiedTimeStamp | step |
subInterfaceOf |
subclassOf | subschemaOf | system |
terminate | then |
to | translatableStringDefinitions | true |
typeDefinitions | typeHeaders | typeSources |
vars | webServicesClassProperties | webServicesMethodDefinitions |
webServicesMethodProperties | webServicesMethodSources | where |
while | write | xor |
Words that begin with double underscore characters (__) are reserved for internal JADE use. In addition, the first four characters of a user-defined name should not be Jade (which is used to prefix JADE system entities).
The following words are not reserved words, but are part of the JADE syntax. Although you can reuse these words, the JADE editor applies the editor preferences color. To avoid confusion, you should not use these words as user-defined values.
discreteLock (specifies that a shared lock is not retained for the duration of the foreach instruction)
inheritCreate (instruction that invokes the superclass constructor with parameters)
inheritMethod (instruction that invokes the superclass implementation of a method)
internal, precondition (optional keywords specifying the type of exception in the raise instruction)
persistent, transient, sharedTransient (optional modifiers for the create instruction)
setPatchVersion (schema definition)