Excluding Resource Proxy Classes and Loading the API

The final step of the wizard, shown in the following image, enables you to remove any resource proxy classes that you do not want to import.

To exclude a single class, select it in the left‑hand list and then click the > button. To exclude all of the resource proxy classes, click the >> button. You can use the < button to re-add a specific class or use the << button to re‑add all resource proxy classes.

Data model classes cannot be excluded, as resource proxy classes may depend on them.

When you are satisfied with the classes to import, you can click the Save to Schema File button to save the imported API to a schema (.scm) file or you can click the Load Directly into Schema button to load the imported API directly into the current schema.

When loading directly into the schema, the new classes are added to the latest version of the schema, with the schema being versioned, if necessary.