Dropping an Ad Hoc Index

From the Ad Hoc Index Browser, the Drop Index command from the Ad Hoc Index menu enables you to drop the partition containing a fully built ad hoc index. This enables you to drop the contents of a partition without incurring costs of individual object deletions.

If membership of an ad hoc index returns a different property reference, the key is known to have been changed, which results in the ad hoc index being marked as not being currently valid. A built dictionary must be dropped and the definition updated (rebuilt) to confirm its use.

To drop an ad hoc index definition from a dynamic dictionary instance

  1. In the Ad Hoc Index Browser, select the index definition that is populated and available (that it, it has a green background in the Status column).

  2. Select the Drop Index command from the Ad Hoc Index menu. A confirmation message box is then displayed stating the number of instances of that index and prompting you to confirm that you do want to drop (unpopulate) it.

  3. Click the Yes button to confirm that the selected ad hoc index definition is to be dropped. Alternatively, click the No button to abandon the drop action.

The background color of the Status column then changes to yellow while the partition containing the index is dropped, and to pink with Unpopulated displayed when the index has been dropped. When the drop action is completed, the ad hoc index is deleted.