Using Conditional Breakpoints and Pass Counts

The Breakpoints window in the Debugger includes:

To specify options for the selected breakpoint

  1. Right-click on a selected breakpoint in the Breakpoints window.

  2. From the popup menu that is then displayed, select the Options command.

    The Breakpoint Options dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  3. Check the Enabled check box if you want to disable the current breakpoint. (Conversely, if the selected breakpoint is currently disabled, check the Enabled check box to enable that breakpoint.)

    The JADE Debugger never halts execution at a disabled breakpoint.

    Enabled breakpoints are displayed in the Breakpoints window with a hand icon at the left of the method name and disabled breakpoints are displayed with a disabled (that is, with a gray outline) hand icon.

  4. In the Condition text box, specify a condition that you want evaluated, if required.

    A condition can be any Boolean expression; for example, "a > b", where "a" and "b" are defined in the scope of the receiving method. The condition source is validated when it is entered. If the enclosing method is subsequently recompiled, the breakpoint is marked for revalidation the next time it is encountered. If it is found to be invalid, the Debugger stops execution at the breakpoint and disables it.

  5. In the Pass count text box, specify the number of times that the breakpoint is passed (that is, the number of times a specific statement is executed) before execution halts, if required.

    The pass count is decremented each time the breakpoint is reached and the Debugger stops when the count reaches zero (0).

  6. Click the OK button. Your breakpoint options are saved if the Save Breakpoints check box is enabled in the Exit sheet of the Preferences dialog (accessed from the Options menu Preferences command). Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

Breakpoint options (for example, disabling a breakpoint or specifying and changing conditions) can be specified or changed only by using the JADE Debugger.

The Debugger Breakpoint Browser in the JADE development environment indicates breakpoint options (for example, whether a condition is defined or if a breakpoint is disabled) but you cannot change the values from that Browser.