Suspend Parent Alignments Command

If it is difficult positioning docking controls to meet your requirements when the alignContainer and alignChildren properties are set, use the Suspend Parent Alignments command from the Layout menu. The alignContainer and alignChildren properties of controls are then treated as though the property values are zero (0) so that no automatic alignment occurs.

When this command is unchecked (the default), the alignContainer and alignChildren properties of controls behave as normal.

To suspend the alignment of parents to position controls to meet your requirements

The alignment of parent controls is then suspended and a check mark symbol is displayed at the left of the Suspend Parent Alignments command.

If you attempt to save the form when the command is checked, a message box is displayed asking if you want to continue. If you indicate that the save process is to continue, the form is saved using the current control positions that could differ from those that apply when normal alignment operations are in effect. If you do not want to continue, the save process is cancelled.

Suspending alignment applies only to the alignContainer and alignChildren properties and it does not affect the behavior of the parentAspect property or the StatusLine control.

To resume normal behavior

The check mark symbol is then removed from the left of the command and the required alignments are applied.

2020.0.02 and higher