Sizing Your Controls

The Size command from the Layout menu accesses a submenu of commands that enable you to standardize the size of the controls on your form. You can also use the Size command to scale a control so that it fits the current contents of the control.

When laying out your form, use the Size submenu commands before using the Alignment and Spacing layout commands, as the Size commands can alter the spacing of your controls.

Before you align and space the controls on your form, you may want to make some controls identical in size; for example, button controls. You may also want to standardize the width or the height of other controls.

For more details about the sizing controls, see "Size Command", later in this chapter.

The Size submenu commands are listed in the following table.

Command Toolbar Button Description
Same Width Makes all selected controls the same width
Same Height Makes all selected controls the same height
Same Height and Width Makes all selected controls the same height and width
Standard Size Resizes all selected controls to their default sizes