Selecting Find Functionality for Your Form

The seventh sheet of the Form Wizard dialog is displayed only if the following conditions are true.

  1. You specified that you wanted instances of a specific collection.

  2. The collection you specified is a member key dictionary.

  3. You selected the display of one instance at a time.

This sheet enables you to include a random-access find facility on your form. You can also specify that you want partial key searching. By default, partial-key searches are performed. With a partial key search, the instance that is equal to or greater than the specified entry is returned when the user enters a partial key.

To enable find capability

  1. Ensure that the Allow Find check box is checked. (This check box is checked by default.)

  2. If you do not want random-key searches performed on a partial key entry, select the Exact match option button.

    The Exact match option requires that the user specify the complete key (an exact match) when using the search facility to find a specific instance.

  3. Click the Next > button to affect your selection and display the next sheet.