Design-Time Dynamic Property Use

The following table summarizes the conditions that require a database reorganization when using design‑time dynamic properties. Reorganization is required only when a class has instances, so an implied condition for the table is that there are instances of the class containing the design‑time dynamic property.

When there are no instances, there is no advantage in using a design‑time dynamic property.

Action on Design‑Time Dynamic Property Condition Reorg is Required
Adding an attribute   No

Changing an attribute

When the attribute is a primitive type; for example:

  • String to Integer

  • String[30] to String[50]

The type of a primitive‑array attribute cannot be changed.


Deleting an attribute

When the attribute is not a slob, blob, or primitive array; for example:

  • String[30]

  • Date



When the attribute is a slob, blob, or primitive array; for example:

  • String[1000]

  • IntegerArray


Adding a reference

When the reference does not have an inverse



When the reference is made an inverse of an existing reference


  When the reference and its inverse are dynamic,
and both are added at the same time

Changing a reference

When the reference is changed to a superclass type
(the only change of type that is allowed)

Deleting a reference When the reference does not have an inverse No
Deleting a reference When the reference is an inverse reference Yes
Changing a condition
used as a constraint

One reason for preferring design‑time dynamic properties over static properties is to avoid a lengthy database reorganization. For more details, see "Deciding Between Static and Design‑Time Dynamic Properties", later in this chapter.