Removing a Class from a Schema View

From the Class Browser of a schema view, the Remove from Schema View command from the Classes menu enables you to remove the selected class from the schema view. (This command is visible only when the Class Browser is open for a schema view.)

You can remove a class from a schema view only when the class that is selected is a leaf; that is, it has no displayed subclasses in the schema view.

To remove a class from a schema view

  1. In the Class Browser, select the class that you want to remove from the schema view.

  2. Select the Remove from Schema View command from the Classes menu.

    A message box is then displayed, to enable you to confirm that the specified class is removed from the specified schema view.

  3. Click the Yes button to confirm that the selected class is to be removed from the schema view. (The class is not deleted; it is removed only from the schema view.)

    Alternatively, click the No button to abandon the deletion.

The Class Browser of the schema view is then updated to reflect the removal of the selected class.