Finding a Schema, Class, Interface, or Primitive Type

The Find command is useful when you:

To locate a schema, a class in the current schema and all of its superschemas, a primitive type, or an interface

  1. Perform one of the following actions from the Schema, Class, Primitive Types, Interface, or Schema Views Browser.

    • Press F4.

    • Select the Find command from the Schema, Classes, Types, or Interfaces menu.

    The Find dialog is then displayed. (For other entity types, the Current Browser and New Browser buttons are replaced by the OK button.)

    This dialog is called the Find Schema dialog when you access it from the Schema Browser and the Find Type dialog when you access it from the Class, Primitive Types, Interface, or Schema Views Browser.

    All user-defined schemas, all classes relevant to the currently selected schema (for example, classes inherited from superschemas), all primitive types, or all interfaces are displayed in the Select Required Entry list box. Classes and interfaces listed in green indicate a class or interface imported into the schema in a package. For details, see Chapter 8, "Using Packages", in the JADE Developer’s Reference.

  2. To select the schema that you want to locate in the Schema Browser, the class that you want to locate in the Class List of the Class Browser or Schema Views Browser, the primitive type that you want to locate in the Primitive Type List of the Primitive Types Browser, or the interface that you want to locate in the Interface List of the Interface Browser, perform one of the following actions.

    • Select the appropriate schema, class, primitive type, or interface from the Select Required Entry list box. The schemas, classes, primitive types, or interfaces in this list box are displayed in alphabetical order.

    • Type at least the first few characters of the schema, class, primitive type, or interface name in the Find text box. The list display starts with the schema, class, primitive type, or interface that matches your specified value. For example, if you have classes named ProcessStackArray, ProdMaint, Product, and ProductDict, if you enter pro in the Find text box, ProcessStackArray is then selected in the Select Required Entry list box. However, if you enter produ, the Product class is then selected.

    • When you enter text into the Find text box, only those entities that contain the specified text somewhere in the type name of the entry are made visible in the Select Required Entry list box. For example, if you specify cust when searching for a class, only those classes that contain cust somewhere in the class name are displayed. (The selection is case‑insensitive.)

      The first entry that begins with the specified text is selected. If no entry starts with the specified text, no entry is selected. Use the up and down arrow keys to select and move through the entries in the list.

      The Select Required Entry list box behaves the same as the AutoComplete list box. For details, see "AutoComplete List Box Behavior", in Chapter 2. (This behavior also applies when searching for exported package features, global constants, interfaces, schemas, and the partial extract dialog.)

      Hovering over any entry in the list box with the mouse displays the text returned by the display method for the associated object in bubble help, as shown in the following image.

    • Specify the class or interface number in the Find text box. The number of the class selected in the Class List of the Class Browser or interface selected in the Interface List of the Interface Browser is displayed in parentheses in the first line of bubble help or the first line in the editor pane (for example, Class: Graph (2291), where 2291 is the class number).

    • Specify uppercase initials of the type; for example, JWSC to find the JadeWebServiceConsumer class. The following rules apply.

      • All text entered in the Find text box must be uppercase.

      • The first character that you enter must match the first character of a type to be listed in the Select Required Entry list box.

      • All other entered characters must match the uppercase characters in the name in the Select Required Entry list box.

      • Any entries that contain the specified text (case‑insensitive) are also displayed in the Select Required Entry list box.

      When you click the Current Browser or New Browser button, the Select Required Entry list box lists only entries that match the specified search text.

  3. If you want to specify a class number to search for the associated class in the current schema and all superschemas so that specifying numeric values does not affect the search, check the Find Class Number check box. The check box is not visible when performing a search in some hierarchy browser forms such as the Schema Browser and the Global Constants Browser.

    This check box is unchecked, by default. When the check box is unchecked, specifying text in the Find text box filters the list of displayed class names, so that it includes the situation where you specify numbers only.

    When you check this check box, the Find text box is cleared and allows only numeric digits to be specified. Pressing Enter searches the current schema and all superschemas for that class number. If that class number:

    • Is found, the hierarchy browser is refreshed to select and display that class.

    • Cannot be found, a message box is displayed.

  4. When you have selected the required schema, primitive type, or interface, press the Enter key. Alternatively, click the Current Browser or New Browser button when you have selected the required class.

    In the Class Browser of the schema in which the class is defined, when you select a class from the list of all classes on the Select Required Entry list box and then click the:

    • New Browser button, a new Class Browser in the schema in which the class is defined is opened, with that class selected.

      You can browse to that schema only if the JADE development security library rules enable you to do so.

    • Current Browser button, that class is selected in the in the current Class Browser.

    In a Schema View, the Find Type dialog contains all classes relevant to the currently selected schema. If you select a class that is not in the current Schema View, a message box prompts you to confirm that you want to add the class to the Schema View when you click the Current Browser or New Browser button. When you select a class from the list of all classes on the Select Required Entry list box and then click the:

    • New Browser button, a new Class Browser for the same Schema View is then opened, with that class selected.

    • Current Browser button, that class is selected in the current Class Browser of the same Schema View.

The selected schema, class and any superclasses, primitive type, or interface are then displayed in the respective browser for the current schema. For example, if you selected the MemberKeyDictionary class, the Collection, Btree, and Dictionary superclasses are also displayed, as the MemberKeyDictionary class inherits some of its behavior from its superclasses. (The List and Array collection classes are not included and neither is the Set collection class, as the MemberKeyDictionary class inherits no functionality from these.)