Aborting an Incomplete Reorganization

When a schema reorganization has not completed, the Abort Reorg command is enabled in the Reorg submenu.

To abort an incomplete reorganization

  1. Select the Reorg command from the Schema menu.

  2. Select the Abort Reorg command from the submenu that is then displayed. (This command is disabled if a reorganization is not in progress.)

You can abort the following reorganizations.

Aborting a reorganization undoes the effects of the incomplete reorganization. When a reorganization is performed, backup copies of reorganized files are retained and they are restarted if the reorganization fails for any reason.

If the reorganization does not complete because of a database server crash, you must restart the reorganization manually by using the Restart Reorg command. (For details, see "Restarting an Interrupted Reorganization", in the following section.)