Removing an ActiveX Type Library

From the External Components Browser, the Remove command in the ActiveX submenu of the Components menu enables you to remove (delete) the currently selected ActiveX type library from your JADE database.

You cannot remove an ActiveX type library when any references exist to classes belonging to that library.

This action removes the selected ActiveX type library only from your JADE database. To remove the type library from the Windows operating system registry of your workstation, select the Unregister Server command from the ActiveX menu. (For details, see "Unregistering an ActiveX Server", later in this chapter.)

To remove an ActiveX type library

  1. In the External Components Browser, select the ActiveX type library that you want to remove.

  2. Select the Remove command from the ActiveX submenu of the Components menu. A message box is then displayed, to enable you to confirm that you want to remove the selected ActiveX type library.

  3. Click the OK button to confirm that you do want to delete the selected ActiveX type library. (Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon the deletion.)

The External Components Browser is then updated to reflect the removal of the selected ActiveX type library. There may be a momentary delay while this updating occurs.

When you delete an ActiveX type library, JADE performs the following actions.

Although you can remove ActiveX object classes and interfaces from the Schema Browser, it is not recommended as it results in the type library remaining partially defined in JADE. If you later wanted to add the classes that you deleted, you must first completely remove the type library and then import that library again.