Translating Strings

You can access the String Browser that enables you to translate strings, by selecting:

The Add and Remove buttons are not displayed on the String Browser when you access it from the Jade Translator program.

Only one String Browser for the current schema can be open at any time. If a String Browser is already open for that schema, it is brought to the top when you select the Strings command from the Schema menu. You can have concurrent open String Browsers for different schemas in a development environment session.

For details about creating translatable strings in HTML document source, see "JADE_TAG Tag Notes", in Chapter 12.

When you delete a translatable string, you are warned if the translatable string that you want to delete is used by other translatable strings. For details about removing schema elements, see "Removing a Schema Element", in Chapter 3. For details about locating translatable strings that reference a specific translatable string, see "Searching for Strings that Reference the Current String", later in this chapter. See also "Compiling Translatable Strings", earlier in this chapter.

You can view the usages of a selected string in your JADE applications and add, edit, and remove strings for each locale.

The String Browser enables you to browse strings for your supported locales.

To access the String Browser from the JADE development environment

The String Browser for the current base locale is then displayed, as shown in the following image.

Use the Preferences command from the browser Options menu to set the base locale in the JADE development environment or use the Base Locale combo box in the top left corner of the String Browser. You can change the translatable string value displayed in the pane at the upper left of the String Browser.