Specifying Your Application Options

The Applications sheet of the Extract dialog, shown in the following image, is displayed when you have specified a selective or parameter extract and you click the Applications sheet.

The Application sheet enables you to select the applications that are to be extracted with a selective or parameter extract. (All applications are extracted with a full extract.)

You can select that no application instances are to be extracted or you can select one or more applications for inclusion in the extract file.

If an application is currently set, that application is extracted in a selective extract by default.

Application options are enabled only when you extract the current schema; that is, you cannot specify these options for the extraction of multiple schemas.

To specify your application options

  1. In the Select Application(s) group box, select the None option button if you do not want any applications included in the extract.

    If you want to extract one or more applications, click to select or deselect the applications that you want to extract. (If an application is currently set, that application is selected for extraction.) The Selected Applications option button is selected by default.

  2. Click the OK button, to confirm your selections. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon the extract.