Parameter File Syntax

If you specify a selective extract file with the Save Parameters check box checked, the names of your selected elements are by default extracted to an .unl file with a prefix name of the current schema.

However, if you want to write your own parameter file using a text editor, the syntax of the parameter file is as follows.

Class class-name
JadeInterface interface-name
Method class-name method-name
RPSMapping rps-mapping-name class-name table-list

The following is an example of a parameter file.

Class Faults
Class CustomerDict
Class EmployeeSet
Class Customer
Class Employee
JadeInterface InterfaceA
JadeInterface TestInterface1
Method DocumentationFault printLetterText
Method DrawGraph load
Method FaultClose bOK_click
RpsMapping ErewhonRPS Country Location
RpsMapping ErewhonRPS TenderSaleItem SaleItem