Generating Table Alter SQL Scripts

When you have altered your RPS mapping in a versioned schema, from the primary you can generate the script file that alters tables and stored procedures in the target relational database.

This script is automatically generated on the RPS node when the reorganization is applied on the node. This option is for information purposes only.

To generate table alter scripts

  1. Select the Generate table alter scripts command from the Extracts menu.

    The Generate Alter Scripts dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

    On a primary, the Change button in the Mapping group box is enabled so that you can select another schema, RPS mapping, and scripts for selected database name defined in that schema or another RPS mapping in the displayed schema, if required.

    You must have a versioned schema and mapping.

  2. In the Script File Name text box, specify the full path and name of the file to which your alter script is generated. The directory must be valid on the server. If it does not exist, it is created. Alternatively, click the adjacent Browse button to display the common Browse for Folder dialog that enables the selection of the directory in which the alter script is generated.

  3. If you want an existing alter script overwritten, check the Allow Overwrite check box. As alter scripts are not overwritten by default, the generation of the alter script fails if a file exists in the output directory.

  4. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

If no prior version of the tables and stored procedures exist, a message box advises you that no prior version is available. If a prior version exists, the Jade RPS Manager window displays the progress of the alter script generation process and its completion.

The tables and stored procedures for the selected RPS mapping are then created in the specified file (for example, c:\jade\Rps\tableDefn_DocumentationExample.15.sql).