userData Argument

The optional userData argument, which you can specify once only, indicates whether user database map files are converted.

The default value of true indicates that all user database map files are converted. For example, if you were to specify the following, the value of the userData argument has precedence, so all user map files are converted, regardless of any user map files specified in the mapFile argument.

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\test\jade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeConvertDb startAppParameters userData=true map1, map2 defaultPath=/jade/system

Conversely, the following example converts all user map files except for the map1 and map2 files specified in the excludeuserfiles argument.

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\test\jade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeConvertDb startAppParameters userData=true excludeuserfiles=map1,map2 defaultPath=/jade/system

When the value of this argument is false, in the following example, only the map1 and map2 files specified in the mapFile argument are converted.

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\test\jade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeConvertDb startAppParameters userData=false map1, map2 defaultPath=/jade/system