Edit Menu

To copy code selected in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer, perform one of the following actions

The selected text is then copied to the clipboard. (These actions are disabled if there is no selected text.)

To cut code selected in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer, perform one of the following actions

The selected text is then removed from the display and placed in the Windows clipboard. (The menu command is disabled if there is no selected text.)

To delete code selected in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer, perform one of the following actions

The selected text is then removed from the display but it does not get placed in the Windows clipboard. (The menu command is disabled if there is no selected text.)

To paste text from the clipboard, perform one of the following actions

The text is then pasted from the Windows clipboard, starting at the location of the caret. If text is selected in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer, the contents of the Windows clipboard replaces the selected text. (The menu command is disabled if there is no text in the Windows clipboard.)

To select all text in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer, perform one of the following actions

The entire contents of the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer text box is then selected. (The menu command is disabled if there is no text output to the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer.)

To undo the last paste, cut, or delete action, perform one of the following actions

A stack of all paste, cut, and delete actions is maintained, which enables you to repeat undo actions.

The Undo command is disabled if no undo actions are available.

If the target location of an undo action in the displayed text is removed (when the displayed text exceeds the maximum of 4M bytes of text, truncated to the nearest full line), the undo stack entry is also removed. That may mean that undo stack entries added after the removed action will still be available if the target text area is still present in the displayed text.

To find text in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer

  1. Select the Find command from the Edit menu or press Ctrl+F.

    The Jade Interpreter Output Viewer Find dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

    If the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer has selected text, this text is displayed in the Search Text text box; otherwise the text box displays the text of the last find action that was performed or else the text box is empty.

  2. In the Search Text text box, specify or change the text for which you want to search, if required.

  3. If you want to search up the text box from the current caret position, select the Up option button in the Direction group box. By default, the search is performed down the text box from the current position.

    On subsequent searches, the value selected in the Direction group box is restored.

  4. If you want the search to start from the current caret position, select the Cursor option button in the Start From group box. The search is then started at the caret position and works forwards or backwards, depending on the value of the Direction group box. By default, the search is performed from the top of the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer text box.

    When you set the Start From group box option to Down, the find action starts at the beginning of the text. If you set the direction to Up, the caption of the Up option button changes to Bottom and the search starts at the end of the text and searches backwards.

  5. If you want to perform a case‑sensitive search, check the Match case check box. By default, searches are case‑insensitive.

    On subsequent searches, the value of the Match case check box is restored.

  6. To abandon your selections, click the Cancel button.

  7. To start your search of the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer, click the Find Next button.

The dialog remains open, regardless of whether the search text is found or not.

If a matching text occurrence is found, the found text will be highlighted and the text is scrolled into view, and the value of the option in the Start From group box is set to Cursor. If no matching text is found, a message box is displayed, stating that the find action failed to locate the specified text. (The displayed message includes the search text, the search case‑sensitivity, and the search direction.)

You can place focus in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer while the Find dialog is displayed, and any available edit action can be performed except for finding selected text; that is, the Find Selected Text command is disabled.

To find the next occurrence of search text, perform one of the following actions

The Jade Interpreter Output Viewer is then searched for the next occurrence of the text, in the currently set direction using the currently set case‑sensitivity, without displaying the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer Find dialog.

If a matching text occurrence is found, that text is highlighted and the text is scrolled into view. If no matching text is found, a message box is displayed, stating that the find action failed to find any text. (The displayed message includes the search text, the search case‑sensitivity, and the search direction.)

The Find Next command is disabled if no search text is set.

Although you can select the Find Next command when the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer Find dialog is open, the F3 shortcut key is available only when the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer has focus.

To find the previous occurrence of search text, perform one of the following actions

The Jade Interpreter Output Viewer is then searched for the next occurrence of the text, in the opposite of the currently set direction using the currently set case‑sensitivity.

If a matching text occurrence is found, that text is highlighted and the text is scrolled into view. If no matching text is found, a message box is displayed, stating that the find action failed to find any text. (The displayed message includes the search text, the search case‑sensitivity, and the search direction.)

The Find Prior command is disabled if no search text is set.

Although you can select the Find Prior command when the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer Find dialog is open, the F3+Shift shortcut key combination is available only when the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer has focus.

To find selected text, perform one of the following actions

The Jade Interpreter Output Viewer is then searched for the next occurrence of the selected text, in the currently set direction using the currently set case‑sensitivity.

This search action is the same as invoking the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer Find dialog and clicking the Find Next button without changing any search options.

If a matching text occurrence is found, that text is highlighted and the text is scrolled into view. If no matching text is found, a message box is displayed, stating that the find action failed to find any text. (The displayed message includes the search text, the search case‑sensitivity, and the search direction.)

The Find Selected Text command is disabled if no search text is set.

Although you can select the Find Next command when the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer Find dialog is open, the F3 shortcut key is available only when the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer has focus.