Using the Types Sheet

Use the Types sheet of the Report Query Options dialog to set reporting options for reports using database fields from collections within the report root collections or view joins. The Types sheet of the Report Query Options dialog, accessed by clicking on the Types tab, is enabled only if the report uses database fields from collections within the report root collections or view joins. For example, a report may be based on a root collection of Client objects, with an alias Clients. Each Client object in turn references a collection of retail sale items, allRetailSales. Including database fields from the allRetailSales collection enables the Types tab on the Report Query Options dialog. The JADE Report Designer application automatically analyzes a report when a preview is displayed and when the report is saved, and creates an entry in the Types sheet for each such collection it finds at this time.

For each type that has such a collection, a corresponding Inclusive option check box is displayed. This check box is not checked by default. When this option is set, data from the class (type) is reported whether there is matching data in the associated collection or not. An example of the default, when the Inclusive option is not set, might be a list of customers from whom payment has been received this month, along with payment details. The report shows some additional customer information (customer number and name). Since the report focuses on payments, customers who have not yet paid for the month are not required for reporting.

An example of the inclusive option being set is a list of customer details along with an optional alternative address and contact details held in an associated collection. The customer details are required for reporting, regardless of the existence of alternative contact details.

To specify the inclusion option for collections

  1. Select the Query Options command from the Report menu. Click the Types tab. The Types sheet of the Report Query Options dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

    The Types sheet lists the classes (the corresponding reporting view type alias is shown) that are associated with collections from within the report root collections or view joins.

  2. For each type displayed, select the Inclusive option by clicking the check box, as required.

    The default value is not set, indicating that data from the type is not reported when data in associated collections is not present.

  3. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Options tab to set the concurrency strategy and current resource limit option values or click the Cancel button to abandon your selections and close the dialog.