Quick Inspect Toolbar (JAD-I-168)

The JADE development environment now provides the quick inspector toolbar, which:

Use the Ctrl+Alt+I shortcut keys to set focus to the search combo box when the quick inspect toolbar is docked or to the search text box on the Quick Inspect form when the quick inspect toolbar is floating.

If text is selected in more than one editor pane, the latest selected text is pasted into the corresponding search control. If multiple lines are selected, it is cut off at the first CrLf end-of-line sequence.

The JADE development environment main toolbar now provides a context (popup) menu that has the Show Quick Inspect Toolbar as well as the Show Clipboard Toolbar commands, which are checked by default. These commands are also provided in the development environment View menu. They toggle (hide or show) the display of the selected toolbar and update the value of the Show Quick Inspect Toolbar check box on the Window sheet of the Preferences dialog.

The Window sheet of the Preferences dialog contains the:

The development environment Schema Inspector dialog:

The above list applies only to the development environment Schema Inspector dialog; not to the production Schema Collection Inspector form (that is, the Schema Inspector dialog started from the JadeSchemaInspector application in the JadeMonitorSchema).

The dock or float status and the floating size and position of the Quick Inspect form are saved if you have set your Save Windows user preference to true (that is, you have checked the Save Windows check box on the Exit sheet of the Preferences dialog). When you next initiate the JADE development environment, the quick inspect toolbar status is restored.

In earlier releases, development security covering the use of the Inspector form allowed unrestricted access to all instances. For details about inspection security in this release, see "Inspector Security", elsewhere in this document.