Incremental Logical Certify (JAD-I-478)

The JADE Logical Certifier now provides an operation to validate only inverse references and collections that have changed since the last time the system was certified.

The Logical Certifier saves the highest update transaction ID of the inverses that are certified. On subsequent certifies, inverses are certified only if the update transaction ID is greater than the saved highest transaction ID. If the update transaction ID of an inverse is lower than the saved value, it must have been certified previously.

Checking only changed inverses incrementally can significantly reduce the time required to check the integrity of user data.

The Jade Logical Certifier dialog now provides the Incremental Certify option button for a full logical certify (that is, all classes in all schemas). When this option is selected, only inverse references and collections that have changed since the last time the system was certified will be validated. The Set Incremental Transaction ID dialog that is then displayed enables you to manually set the transaction ID.

The JADE Logical Certifier non‑GUI application has new command line parameters to specify incremental certification and optionally to manually set the transaction ID used during an incremental certify.