JadeLocal Intra-Machine Transport Type

The JadeLocal intra-machine transport between the JADE database and application servers and standard clients is implemented by the use of shared memory and global events and semaphores.

The JadeLocal transport type uses the following configuration values in the respective [JadeServer] and [JadeClient] sections of the JADE initialization file.


The basename value can have an optional Local\ or Global\ prefix. If the prefix is absent, it defaults to Local\, which is consistent with running with the least-privileges mode.

When running as a standard user, the value of the basename is created in the Local\ or session namespace, which means that all the JADE programs must be running as the same user logon and also in the same Windows session, to be able to connect to this RPC transport. For example, if the database is installed as a service, all application servers and standard clients wanting to connect to this database via JadeLocal transport must also be running as services and under the same user logon.

On a machine that is not part of a Windows domain, your Windows administrator must configure the user logon to add the following Windows privilege Create global objects (SeCreateGlobalPrivilege at the programming API level), which can be done directly to the user logon or to a group of which that user is a member. This can be done by accessing the Local Security Policy in the Administrative tools directory and adding the Create global objects policy under Local Policies / User Rights Assignment to the desired group or user.

These changes allow JADE programs that need to connect via the JadeLocal intra‑machine transport to work across multiple Windows sessions or user logons.

If a standard user attempts to create a Global\basename value in either of these initialization file parameters, it fails because of insufficient privileges.