Local Request Statistics Format

The local request statistics format record (type 8) is listed in the following table.

Statistic Description
Record type Integer value representing the type of statistics sampling record
Node number Node number relative to the system
Process number Process number relative to the system
Clock ticks 64-bit number of microseconds elapsed since the node was initialized
Node CPU time 64-bit number of microseconds of CPU time charged for node
Node ticks 64-bit number of logical operations performed by the node
Process CPU time 64-bit number of microseconds of CPU time (including start process CPU time and end process CPU time) charged for the process
Process ticks 64-bit number of logical operations performed by the process
Process logical clock Sequential 64-bit number for inter-node process context switches
User number Number supplied by the write sample request
User text Text supplied by the write sample request
Statistics process number Statistics process number relative to the system

This information is then followed by an array of statistics, as listed in the following table.

Statistic Number of…
Transient object creates Transient objects created
Transient object deletes Transient objects deleted
Transient object clones Transient objects cloned
Transient object copies Transient objects copied
Transient object get properties Transient object properties obtained
Transient object set properties Transient object properties set
Transient object JADE methods JADE methods for transient objects
Transient object external methods External methods for transient objects
Transient object locks Transient objects locked
Transient object unlocks Transient objects unlocked
Transient object remove locks Transient object locks removed
Transient object gets JADE method for transient objects
Transient object puts Transient objects written to the transient database
Transient buffer swaps Transient buffers swapped
Persistent object creates Persistent objects created
Persistent object deletes Persistent objects deleted
Persistent object clones Persistent objects cloned
Persistent object copies Persistent objects copied
Persistent object get properties Persistent object properties obtained
Persistent object set properties Persistent object properties set
Persistent object JADE methods JADE methods for persistent objects
Persistent object external methods External methods for persistent objects
Persistent object locks Persistent objects locked
Persistent object unlocks Persistent objects unlocked
Persistent object remove locks Persistent object locks removed
Persistent object gets Persistent objects obtained
Persistent object puts Persistent objects written to the transient database
Persistent buffer swaps Persistent buffers swapped
Primitive JADE methods Primitive type JADE methods
Primitive external methods Primitive type external methods
Transient begin transactions Transient beginTransientTransaction instructions
Transient end transactions Transient commitTransientTransaction instructions
Transient abort transactions Transient abortTransientTransaction instructions
Transient begin notifications Transient beginNotification method calls
Transient end notifications Transient endNotification method calls
Transient cause events Transient causeEvent method calls
Transient return notes Transient notifications returned
Received notes from local Notifications received from the local node
User requests User level-zero (0) kernel requests
Persistent begin transactions Persistent beginTransaction instructions
Persistent end transactions Persistent commitTransaction instructions
Persistent abort transactions Persistent abortTransaction instructions
Persistent begin notifications Persistent beginNotification method calls
Persistent end notifications Persistent endNotification method calls
Persistent cause events Persistent causeEvent method calls
Persistent return notes Persistent notifications returned
Thin client messages sent by the application server Messages sent by the application server to the presentation client
Thin client bytes sent by the application server Bytes sent by the application server to the presentation client
Thin client messages sent by the client Messages sent by the presentation client to the application server
Thin client bytes sent by the client Bytes sent by the presentation client to the application server
Thin client logic message wait time Milliseconds that logic had to wait for the reply to a message sent by the application server to the presentation client (this does not include waiting for modal forms, message boxes, common dialogs, or exception dialogs)

Note that the Thin client messages sent by the application server value will not necessarily be the same as the Thin client messages sent by the client value, because of keep-alive messages that are only sent one way.