Automatically Detecting Proxy Settings

The presentation client can attempt automatic detection of proxy settings. If the SSLProxyHost and SSLProxyPort parameters are set, these values are used. If no values are specified for these parameters, automatic detection reads the Windows registry and looks for the proxy settings used by Microsoft Internet Explorer.

If the Address and Port values are defined (in the appropriate fields of the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog accessed from the Internet Options dialog Connections sheet), these values are used.

If the Address and Port values are not defined, it uses the values from the proxy address and port fields of the HTTP type row if the Use same proxy server for all protocols check box is selected. If this is not selected, it uses the proxy address and port fields of the Secure type row. These are located on the Proxy Setting dialog (accessed from the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog, which is accessed from the Internet Options dialog Connections sheet).

If no values are detected, a direct connection to the application server is made. (See also "Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Security", earlier in this chapter.)