
Set the optional allowCircularPackages argument to true if you want to allow a circular dependency between packages in the schema hierarchy; that is, to permit the loading of an incomplete package (for example, Schema1 exports Package1 and imports Package2, while Schema2 exports Package2 and imports Package1). When you subsequently create a package that would result in circularities, you are prompted to confirm that you want to continue and allow a circular dependency between packages in the schema hierarchy.

The default value is false; that is, the packages that are available for import are those that would not result in circular dependencies in the schema hierarchy.

If you load two schemas that are not circular and you load an importer before the exporter:

Incomplete schema definitions and their usages are resolved by loading the export definition and then reloading the importing files. (To completely resolve all of the interdependencies, more than two iterations may be required.) If all of the related files are specified in a single multiple schema file (*.mul) load, the reprocessing of all files is done automatically.

An incomplete schema is displayed with the background color of a versioned schema (which defaults to red) in the Schema Browser. The incomplete schema, its subschemas, Class Browser, and any wizards for that schema and subschemas, are not available. To make the Class Browser available, it is your responsibility to make the entire schema complete (by loading the exporting schema and then reloading the incomplete schema).

An incomplete schema can be versioned, changing the background color, and not allowing the opening of a Class Browser on either version.