1238   Exception handler invalid return code


This error occurs if an invalid code is returned from an exception handler; for example, when resuming a non-resumable exception or continuing a non-continuable exception.


Check the JADE messages log file (jommsg.log) for the resumable and continuable attributes on the exception you are trying to resume or continue. Change the logic of your exception handler so that it does not attempt to resume a non-resumable exception or continue a non-continuable exception.

If this exception is caught by an exception handler which then tries to continue the exception, exception 1239 - Nested exceptions limit exceeded is raised eventually, due to the repeated 1238 - Exception handler invalid return code exceptions.

It is recommended that exception handlers check if an exception is continuable or not before attempting to return Ex_Continue. It is also recommended that the exception handler includes checks to detect a nested exception situation. It may also be beneficial to specifically check for the 1238 - Exception handler invalid return code exception.