Running the JADE Monitor as a Background Process

The read-only JADE Monitor background application, which you can set up to start automatically when a node starts, gathers and records information that can be replayed and assessed later (for example, to forward to JADE Support for problem analysis and resolution if your JADE licence includes support).

You can start the JADE Monitor background application by:

You can run multiple JADE Monitor background applications concurrently; for example, to record different sets of data for your JADE system.

The JADE Monitor background application does nothing if a directives file containing the statistics to be recorded has not yet been saved to the path and file specified in the DirectivesFile parameter in the [JadeMonitorBackground] section of the JADE initialization file (that is, if the directives file is empty, it does not exist, or it is not specified, the background monitor application is launched but does nothing). For details, see the JADE Initialization File Reference.