Calling the JADE Monitor from a Web Service Consumer

You can invoke a subset of the JADE Monitor functionality from a Web service consumer by using the JadeMonitorV2WS application provided by JADE in the JadeMonitorSchema schema.

Before you run the JadeMonitorV2WS application provided in the JadeMonitorSchema, you will probably want to override the default application parameters; for example, the connection name and the port number.

The JadeWebConfigurator application that is also provided in the JadeMonitorSchema enables you to create and maintain a configuration file for the JadeMonitorV2WS application. For details, see Chapter 3, "Configuring Web Applications", in the JADE Web Application Guide.

The following example is the command line to run the JadeMonitorV2WS application.

jade.exe path=s:\jade\system schema=JadeMonitorSchema app=JadeMonitorV2WS ini=s:\jade\system\jade.ini

Alternatively, you can create a shortcut to run this application from the JADE installation directory in which the JADE executables were installed (which defaults to the bin directory).

The JADE Web Application Monitor is then displayed. For details, see Chapter 2, "Monitoring Your Web Sessions", in the JADE Web Application Guide.

A default WSDL, JadeMonitorV2WS.wsdl, is provided in the wsdl folder in the JADE release medium.

This Web service exposes a subset of the JADE Monitor functionality; that is, items that are not practical to expose are not included in the Web service. The excluded items include exposing mechanisms to select specific classes or methods from a schema to profile, as too much traffic would have to be sent to describe the full schema content.

The Application Programming Interface (API) framework provides methods that you can incorporate into JADE applications to construct a custom Web service exposure in your JADE environment to consolidate or extend features provided by the JadeMonitorV2WS application. (For details, see Chapter 4, "JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis", of the JADE Object Manager Guide.)

The JADE Monitor Web service consumer uses client-side XSLT to convert the Web service response message into table data that is displayed to the user. For more details, see the SOAP Web Services white paper on the JADE Web site at