



The DumpOnReplicationException parameter specifies whether the automatic process dump caused by the Datapump application encountering an exception when replicating a transaction is to be allowed or suppressed.

When the Datapump application encounters an exception replicating the effects of a transaction, a process dump is taken and recorded in the jommsg.log file, as follows:

RPS: **** DataPump Exception: Invoking diagnostic process dump *****
JomLog: >>> Process Dump requested <<<
JomLog: >>> Dumping Process memory and O/S handles ....
JomLog: >>> Process Dump complete, dump file:   <dump file name>

Suppress the automatic process dump by setting the DumpOnReplicationException parameter to false.

The DumpOnReplicationException parameter is not created or updated by the RPS Manager application.

Parameter is read when …

The Datapump application is started.

Applicable to database role or subrole…

RPS node only.