Placing Initialization File Parameters on the Command Line

You can override any JADE initialization file values by placing them on the command line.

For JADE executables, specify the fully qualified name of your JADE initialization file in the command line.

JADE first looks for command line arguments of the form section‑name.parameter‑name=value and if not present, checks the JADE initialization file for the section name and parameter name combination.

Two-level section names are supported in the command line.

Placing JADE initialization file entries on the command line enables:

For example, to allow specific application servers to run specified applications only, on the command line, specify the jadapp application server executable shortcut command line as follows.

R:\Test\jade\bin\jadapp appServerPort=1500 thinClient=true path=r:\test\jade\system ini=r:\jade\system\test\myjade.ini JadeAppServer.EnableAppRestrictions=true JadeAppServer.AllowSchemaAndApp1="MySchema,SecretFixupApp" server=multiUser host=devsrvr38 port=6015

As the size of the command line is imposed by the operating system, this may restrict the number of JADE initialization file values that you can place on the command line. We recommend that JADE administrators keep the placement of initialization file parameters to a minimum, because long command lines can become hard to maintain. However, if you require only a few non‑updating initialization file values, putting them on the command line saves the creation of a new JADE initialization file section.

You cannot use the Application class setProfileString or setProfileStringAppServer method to update JADE initialization file parameter values specified on the command line. (Attempts to do so return a value of false and the parameter values remain unchanged.)

If you specify JADE initialization file section and parameter names in the command line, initialization file parameter values that are normally updated by methods are not updated, as the command line values have precedence. The parameter values in the JADE initialization file remain unchanged in this situation. For example, if you specify JadeServer.MaxServerThreads=10 in the command line of the JADE Remote Node Access program when the value of the [JadeServer] section MaxServerThreads parameter is 5 and you then change the Maximum Server Threads text box value in the Thread Configuration dialog to 7, the command line value of the application remains 10 and the [JadeServer] section MaxServerThreads parameter remains 5.

When obtaining values for command line arguments (for example, path, schema, appServer, and so on), the order of precedence is as follows.

  1. Command line

  2. If name=unique-identifier is on the command line, the [unique‑identifier.JadeCommandLine] section parameter values are obtained from the JADE initialization file

  3. The parameters from the [JadeCommandLine] section of the JADE initialization file

  4. An internal default value, if applicable

See also "Location of the JADE Initialization File", "Two-Level Section Names" under "Format of the JADE Initialization File", in the JADE Initialization File Reference.