Example Production System Configurations

The following table represents some business-critical production system hardware configurations as at July 2007. These are intended as indicative examples only.

More-powerful configurations may be required, depending on the scale of your JADE applications and the performance requirements of your system.

In the following table, all CPUs are Intel or Intel-compatible.

Peak Users Nodes Database Size Hardware Description
8 1 5G bytes Single server
  • 1 x single core 1 GHz CPU

  • 2G bytes ECC RAM

  • 2 x 72G bytes 15K drives (database/OS)

  • 2 x 72G bytes 15K drives (journals/backup)

15 2 8G bytes Single server
  • 1 x Dual Core 1 GHz CPU

  • 2.5G bytes ECC RAM

  • 2 x 72G bytes 15K drives (database/OS)

  • 2 x 72G bytes 15K drives (journals/backup)

190 20 80G bytes Two servers, clustered, each server with:
  • 2 x single core 3.4 GHz CPUs with Hyperthreading

  • 5G bytes ECC RAM

  • 2 x 72G bytes 15K drives (OS/workspace)

      Storage Area Network (SAN) containing:
  • 8 x 72G bytes 15K drives (database)

  • 2 x 144G bytes 15K drives (journals)

  • 4 x 300G bytes 15K drives (backup)

225 13 115G bytes Single server
  • 4 x single core 3 GHz CPUs with Hyperthreading

  • 7.5G bytes ECC RAM

  • 10 x 72G bytes 15K drives (database)

  • 2 x 144G bytes 15K drives (journals)

  • 8 x 144G bytes 15K drives (backup)

350 24 240G bytes Single server
  • 8 x single core 3 GHz CPUs

  • 20G bytes ECC RAM

  • 2 x 144G bytes 15K drives (OS/workspace)

      SAN containing:
  • 28 x 144G bytes 15K drives (database)

  • 20 x 144G bytes 15K drives (backup/journals)

200 17 250G bytes Two servers, clustered, each server with:
  • 8 x single core 2 GHz CPUs

  • 6G bytes ECC RAM

  • 2 x 144G bytes 15K drives (OS/workspace)

      SAN containing:
  • 20 x 72G bytes 15K drives (database)

  • 20 x 144G bytes 15K drives (backup/journals)