Connecting to JADE Applications from Internet Information Server (IIS)

Your connections from the Internet Information Server (IIS) to JADE applications are via a TCP/IP connection. (For more details, see "Configuring JadeHttp for Remote Connections", later in this chapter.)

To implement a TCP/IP connection from IIS to JADE applications, define a section within the jadehttp.ini file for each application, with the ApplicationType parameter and unique multiple TcpPort[n], MinInUse[n], MaxInUse[n], TcpConnection[n], CloseDelay[n], and ConnectionGroup[n] parameters within each [application-name] section. Set the ApplicationType parameter in each [application-name] section to RestServices, WebEnabledForms, WebServices, or HtmlDocuments. The following is an example of these parameters.

ApplicationType = HtmlDocuments
TcpConnection   = Host1a
TcpPort         = 22000
MinInUse        = 2
MaxInUse        = 10
CloseDelay      = 600
TcpConnection2  = Host2a
TcpPort2        = 22001
MinInUse2       = 2
MaxInUse2       = 10
CloseDelay2     = 600