Inspecting Collection Class Queries

When you have refined the class membership queries for your external database schema, the Collection Query sheet of the External Schema Wizard is then displayed, to enable you to inspect your collection queries.

An SQL query based on the member tables and any columns that are used as attributes or references is generated for each collection.

An ORDER BY clause is generated only for dictionary and array collection classes.

An example of the Collection Query sheet is shown in the following image.

The Collections list box at the left of the sheet lists all collection classes defined for this external database schema.

To inspect a generated collection class query

  1. In the Collections list box, select the collection class whose query you want to view.

    The SQL Query frame at the right of the sheet then displays the entire SQL query that was generated for the selected collection class. You can view the SQL query only; you cannot tailor a collection query.

    To change your collection criteria, return to the Define Collections sheet.

  2. Repeat step 1 for each collection class whose query you want to inspect.

  3. Click the Next > button when you have inspected all required collection queries.

    Alternatively, click the Close button to close the wizard.

When you click the Next > button, the External Schema Wizard then enables you to inspect your reference queries.