Finishing Your External Database Schema Definition

When you have inspected your SQL queries for class references, you have finished specifying your external database schema definition.

The Finished! sheet of the External Schema Wizard, shown in the following image, indicates that the transformation process is complete and enables you to change the status of the external database schema so that it can be used at run time.

To confirm that you have finished specifying your external database schema

When you click the Finished button, JADE performs the following actions.

  1. Completes the transformation process.

  2. Marks your external database schema so that it can be used by the Runtime Query Engine.

  3. Closes the External Schema Wizard and then displays the External Databases Browser that contains your new external database schema.

    When you select the external database schema in the External Databases Browser, the status line displays the creation timestamp and your user identifier.

You can now use your external database schema as you can any other part of JADE, by using the ODBC driver and your SQL queries.