Using Align All with Multiple Panes

The following image is an example of a form with multiple panes and which allows the use of the AlignContainer_AllVertical (6) and AlignContainer_AllHorizontal (5) values of the alignContainer property and the AlignChildren_AllVertical (2) value of the alignChildren property.

The form in the previous example has three layers, as follows.

  1. Three JadeDockContainer controls with the alignContainer property set to AlignContainer_AllHorizontal and the form as parent.

    The JadeDockContainer controls have no border drawn except two that have resize bars drawn across the form, allowing the user to resize these base panes.

  2. JadeDockBar controls in each JadeDockContainer control with the value of the alignContainer property set to AlignContainer_AllVertical. Two of the JadeDockBar controls are in the top and bottom JadeDockContainer control panes and the other is in the middle pane. Each of the JadeDockBar controls has the alignChildren property set to AlignChildren_AllVertical.

    Note the resize bar that is drawn vertically in the top and bottom panes between the two JadeDockBar controls.

  3. Each JadeDockBar control then has a TextBox or a Table control as a child that has the alignChildren property set to AlignChildren_AllVertical.

The form in the following image allows any of the JadeDockBar control panes to be floated, docked into another position, resized, or created as a new horizontal pane on the form if the allowDocking property of the form permits it.