
Type: Integer

Availability: Not available at design time, read or write at run time only

The topIndex property contains the item in a ListBox control that is the first item displayed in the list. The default value is 1, or the first item in the list.

Use this property to scroll through a list box without selecting an item. The item appears at the topmost position if there are enough items below it to fill the visible portion of the list. The value of the topIndex property can be modified to ensure that a full page of entries is displayed. If the setting would result in empty lines being displayed at the end of the list and there are prior entries, the value of the topIndex property is decreased until a full set of entries is visible.

Setting the topIndex property causes the list box to be filled with entries up to that point when using the listCollection method and the topIndex property value is greater than the entries that are obtained so far.

The following example shows the use of the topIndex property.

textBoxLeftStart_change(textbox: TextBox input) updating;
    count : Integer;
    count := listBoxLeft.findString(1, textBoxLeftStart.text);
    if count <> -1 then
        listBoxLeft.topIndex := count;