
Type: String

Availability: Read or write at any time

The timeFormat property of the MultiMedia class contains the time format of the device. The time format defines the units for obtaining and controlling the positioning of the media. This time format is then used by the position property, the stepRelative and playFromTo methods, and applies to the position sent to the notifyPosition event.

If the useDotNetVersion property is set to true, the timeFormat property is not available and it has a fixed value of null ("").

The time formats that are available for each device and the default values differ. For example, the default value for digitalvideo is frames, and for waveaudio it is milliseconds. For the list of valid formats for each device, see the appropriate device documentation.

The following example shows the use of the timeFormat property.

optionMillisecond_change(optionbutton: OptionButton input) updating;
    if optionbutton.value then
        multimedia.timeFormat := "milliseconds";