
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The tabInactiveColor property of the Folder and Table classes contains the color that is drawn for the background area of inactive tabs of multiple sheet folders and tables. (For details about drawing the color of the active tab, see the tabActiveColor property.) The default value of Color_3Dface (which is usually light gray) is a Windows-imposed color. The captions of active and inactive tabs are drawn by using the same font.

If you explicitly set the value of the tabInactiveColor property of the inactive sheet of a folder (that is, you change it from the default Windows.Color_3Dface value), that color is always used to display the tab, regardless of the background color of the sheet.

If the value of the tabInactiveColor property is set to the default Windows.Color_3DFace value, the tab is displayed in the same color as the background color of the sheet.

The tabs of folders and tables display a roll-over effect. Moving the mouse over an inactive sheet tab causes the tab to be drawn using the Windows Info background color defined for the workstation.