
Type: Boolean

The showTaskBarProgress property of the ProgressBar control specifies whether the progress bar state is shown on the taskbar icon of the application as well as in the progress bar.

This functionality is available only if the application displays an icon on the Windows task bar. It does not apply to icons in the system tray.

The default value of false indicates that no progress is displayed on the taskbar icon. Setting the property value to true displays progress on the taskbar icon. The Form class setTaskBarProgress method is automatically called when the value of the partsDone property is updated.

When the progress bar value reaches 100 percent, the Form class setTaskBarState method with a parameter value of TaskBar_State_NoProgress is automatically called to hide the taskbar state display.

If the value of the property never reaches 100 percent, it is your responsibility to ensure that the taskbar progress state is hidden, if required.

The taskbar state is hidden when the form is unloaded.