Multiple Group Toolbar Example

The following image is an example of a form that has a JadeDockContainer control aligned at the top and that contains two JadeDockBar controls. As the form is an MDI frame, there is no need to consider the situations in which the dock bars are floated.

The dock bars can be positioned anywhere on the JadeDockContainer control, provided that they do not overlap and that only one row is required for the JadeDockBar class.

The following image is an example of the result if one dock bar is floated.

The following image is an example of the result if the width of the form is reduced to the point where the JadeDockContainer control would require more than one row.

The following image is an example of the result if the JadeDockContainer control is aligned to the right (that is, the JadeDockBase class alignContainer property is set to AlignContainer_Right).

The following image is an example of shrinking the height of the form so that two columns are required.