
Type: Boolean

Availability: Read or write at any time

The minButton property of the Form class specifies whether a form has a Minimize button. The settings of the minButton property are listed in the following table.

Value Description
true The form has a Minimize button (the default).
false The form does not have a Minimize button.

A Minimize button enables users to shrink a form window to an icon.

Setting the value of the minButton property to true causes a form with the borderStyle property set to BorderStyle_None (0) to adopt a borderStyle value of BorderStyle_Single (1). The form also displays a caption area, regardless of whether the form caption is empty.

This property should not be changed when an MDI child form is maximized.

Shrinking a form to an icon at run time generates a resize event. The windowState property reflects the current state of the window.

If you set the windowState property to WindowState_Maximized (2), the form is maximized independently of the settings that are in effect for the maxButton and borderStyle properties.