
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The case property determines the automatic case conversion of text entered into a TextBox control.

The settings of the case property are listed in the following table.

TextBox Class Constant Value Description
Case_None 0 None (the default). No conversion is performed.
Case_Lower 1 Convert to lowercase. All uppercase characters are converted to lowercase as they are entered.
Case_Upper 2 Convert to uppercase. All lowercase characters are converted to uppercase as they are entered.
Case_UpperFirst 3 Uppercase first character. The text box accepts only an alphabetic character as the first character of the text box, and it is automatically converted to uppercase.
Case_LowerFirst 4 Lowercase first character. The text box accepts only an alphabetic character as the first character of the text box, and it is automatically converted to lowercase.

If the case property is set to any value other than the default value of Case_None (0), the dataType property is set to the default value of DataType_AlphaNumeric (0) and the decimals property is set to zero (0); that is, no exception is raised.