
Type: String

Availability: Read or write at any time

The bubbleHelp property contains the text that can be displayed as bubble help. This property is defined in the Window class, but it is implemented only by control subclasses.

Use the Application class showBubbleHelp property to control whether bubble help is displayed at run time.

Controls with bubble help text display that text in a bubble below or above the control after the mouse has been positioned over the control for more than a half a second. The bubble help is removed when the mouse is moved off the control, when a mouse button is pressed, or after five seconds.

If the window implements the mouseHover event, bubble help is displayed after the mouseHover event has been executed. This allows the mouseHover event to set the bubbleHelp text that is appropriate for the mouse position; for example, the list entry that the mouse is over.

Bubble help is:

This property can be translated when the value of the Schema class formsManagement property is FormsMngmt_Single_Multi (2).

See the ComboBox class or ListBox class for details about automatic bubble help that is displayed for combo boxes and list boxes if the combo box or list box does not have bubble help text defined for it by using the bubbleHelp property.

In a Folder control, bubble help defined for a sheet is displayed below or next to the tab of that sheet, depending on the setting of the tabsPosition property, when the cursor is positioned over the tab. When the cursor is positioned over the sheet itself, no bubble help is displayed. In addition, bubble help is disabled when dragging is in progress. (For details, see the dragMode property.)

If bubble help is currently displayed and the next window to which the mouse is moved also has bubble help text, there is no delay in the display of the bubble help for that next control. Bubble help can be of any length. If the bubble help cannot fit in one line from where it is displayed, multiple lines with word wrap are displayed.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the bubbleHelp property.

if listbox.getListIndex(x, y) <> -1 and
    listbox.getListIndex(x, y) <> lastIndex then
    cust := listbox.itemObject [listbox.getListIndex(x, y)].Customer;
    listbox.bubbleHelp := cust.name.toUpper & Cr
                          & "________________________________________"
                          & Cr & cust.address & Cr & cust.contact;