
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The alternatingRowBackColorCount property of the ListBox control (and the JadeTableSheet class) specifies the number of list box entry or table rows at which the alternating background color of each visible list box entry row, non‑fixed row, and non‑fixed cell is displayed.

If the value of the alternatingRowBackColorCount property is:

For example, if the count is 2, the first, third, fifth, and so on, list box entries, non‑fixed rows, and the non‑fixed cells in that row default to the value of the backColor property of the list box or sheet, while the second, fourth, sixth, and so on list entries, non‑fixed rows, and the non-fixed cells in that row default to the value of the alternatingRowBackColor property.

If the value of the backColor property of a list box entry, cell, row, or column is specifically set and it is not #800000000 (that is, transparent), the default value of the row or cell is ignored and the specific value of the backColor property is used.

Note that when the list box or table is scrolled, the colors do not move with a row. The color scheme is applied to the rows, starting with the first visible non‑fixed row; for example:

table1.accessSheet(1).alternatingRowBackColorCount := 2;
table1.accessSheet(1).alternatingRowBackColor := Azure;
listbox1.alternatingRowBackColorCount := 3;
listbox1.alternatingRowBackColor := DarkGray;

2018.0.01 and higher