
Type: Integer

The allowResize property of the Table class specifies whether the users can resize the rows and columns of a table. Resizing is achieved by using the mouse to drag the dividers between the fixed rows and columns of a table.

By default, both the rows and columns can be resized by the user.

The Table class constants and permitted values for the allowResize property are listed in the following table.

Table Class Constant Value Description
AllowResize_Any 0 Allow any resizing
AllowResize_Column 1 Allow column width resizing only
AllowResize_Row 2 Allow row height resizing only
AllowResize_None 3 Resizing is not permitted

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the allowResize property.

// Set up column heading and sizes
tbl.allowResize     := Table.AllowResize_None;       // No resize allowed
tbl.row             := 1;
tbl.column          := 1;
tbl.text            := "Name";
tbl.columnWidth [1] := 155;
tbl.column          := 2;
tbl.text            := "Code";
tbl.columnWidth [2] := 80;
tbl.column          := 3;
tbl.text            := "Date Released";
tbl.columnWidth [3] := 155;