Supported Picture Image Formats

The picture image formats that are handled by JADE using the pictureType method of the Picture class are listed in the following table.

Picture Format File Type Description
Windows bitmap .bmp Standard Microsoft bitmap image.
Windows compressed bitmap .rle Both RLE4 and RLE8.
Windows icons .ico File can contain single or multiple icons. If multiple icons, JADE selects the icon with the closest color characteristics to the video display of the user.
    Note that icons can be used as cursors, except that there is no hot spot.
Windows metafile .wmf Standard Microsoft Windows metafile.
Windows enhanced metafile .emf Standard Microsoft enhanced metafile.
Windows cursor .cur Standard Microsoft cursor. (Note that cursors are converted to an icon when used as a picture rather than a cursor.)
Tag Image File Format .tif TIFF files (both the Intel and Motorola versions). JADE supports the following TIFF compression styles (CCITT is the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee).
  • Uncompressed

  • CCITT Group 3 1D

  • CCITT Group 3 2D

  • CCITT Group 4

  • PackBits

  • Modified Huffman encoding

Graphics Interchange Format .gif Only .gif files containing images are handled. Text records within a .gif file are ignored. JADE does not support the ability to convert images to .gif files.
    Animated GIF handling is supported only if the picture property of a Picture or JadeMask control is set to a GIF binary that contains more than one image.
Joint Photographic Experts Group .jpg All JPEG files in compliance with the JFIF standard are supported, including compressed JPEG images. Also the JPEG 2000 style images.
Portable Network Graphics .png Lossless compression images for greater clarity of graphics.