
recordReplay(action : Integer;
             options: Integer;
             buffer : String io): Integer;

The recordReplay method of the JadeTextEdit class records or replays keystrokes.

The value of the action parameter must be one of the following new JadeTextEdit class Integer constants.

Class Constant Description
KMACRO_GETCOMMANDS Returns the list of available macro commands in the buffer.
KMACRO_GETTEMPORARY Returns the current temporary macro in the buffer.
KMACRO_PLAYTEMPORARY Plays the current temporary macro.
KMACRO_PLAYTEXT Plays the macro text in the buffer without overwriting the current temporary macro.
KMACRO_RECORDSTART Clears the temporary macro and begins recording keystrokes for the current temporary macro.
KMACRO_RECORDSTOP Stops recording keystrokes.
KMACRO_SETTEMPORARY Replaces the current temporary macro with the contents of the buffer. If the value of the options parameter is 1, a syntax check only is done.

The recordReplay method returns zero (0) if no syntax or replay errors occurred; otherwise it returns the positive character offset of the start of the macro line in error. It can also return a negative result value, indicating JADE runtime errors; for example:

Embedded macros are not allowed. You cannot record or play another macro when recording is in progress, nor can you record or play another macro while a macro is playing.

Macro replay halts when the cursor is moved outside the document (method source editor pane) limits and when a find command has no match.

Each JadeTextEdit control instance has its own private temporary macro.