
dragSheet(): Integer;       (Table)

dragSheet(): Sheet;         (Folder)

The dragSheet method of the Table class or Folder class provides respective table-specific or sheet-specific location information of the drag and drop processes that corresponds to the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) positions received from dragOver events during a drag operation.

Similarly, when the dragged window is dropped, the window that it is dropped onto receives a dragDrop event.

The dragOver and dragDrop events specify the x and y location of the drag operation.

Use the dragSheet method in situations where the drag and drop process occurs over the tab area of a multiple sheet table or folder. In this situation for a table, the dragColumn and dragRow method values are set to zero (0).

It is possible for the returned value of the sheet for the Folder class tab to be null, which means that the dragOver or dragDrop event is over the folder but the position is not over a tab.

The value returned by the dragSheet method has meaning only when called from within the dragOver or dragDrop event of a folder. Calling the method under any other circumstance returns the value that was last set during a prior drag operation or it returns null if it has never been set.