
accessSheet(sheet: Integer): JadeTableSheet;

The accessSheet method of the Table class returns a reference to the JadeTableSheet object for the requested sheet (specified in the sheet parameter) of the table. Accessing a sheet using this method accessCell sets the corresponding Table class accessedSheet property to the returned sheet so that it can be used for subsequent access.

Storing a reference to a returned sheet causes problems unless you take a copy of that sheet.

Your logic must delete cloned sheets.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the accessSheet method.

table1.accessSheet(1).visible := false;
table1.accessSheet(2).visible := true;
table1.accessSheet(2).accessCell(1,4).text := "Company";
table1.accessedCell.alignment              := Table.Alignment_Right_Middle;

See also the Table class accessCell, accessColumn, and accessRow methods.