
scrolled([control:  control-type input;]
         scrollBar: Integer);

The scrolled event occurs when the user scrolls a Form or a BaseControl, ComboBox, ListBox, Picture, Table, or TextBox control. For ScrollBar controls, this event occurs as the control is scrolled. When the user releases the mouse button, a change event is sent.

The scrolled event passes the scroll bar that is being scrolled, as follows.

See "Window Class Constants", for the ScrollBar_ constants that are provided.

The scrolled event gives logic the opportunity to coordinate other actions with the scrolling process. Use this event to perform calculations or to manipulate controls that must be coordinated with ongoing changes in scroll bars. Alternatively, use the change event when you want an update to occur only once, after a scroll bar position change is complete.

Use the scrollHorzPos and scrollVertPos properties to determine the scroll position. Use the topIndex property to control the scrolling position set for the list box control. Use of the scrollHorzPos and scrollVertPos methods do not generate a scrolled event when a new scroll position is set.

For details about scrolling in the row of a Table control to which a collection is attached, see the queryRowColChg and rowColumnChg event methods.